Important Threads
- Increasing PHP Upload Limits (0 Replies)
- Thumbnails (2 Replies)
- photos delete (2 Replies)
- Problems with database? (13 Replies)
- Ezgallery not working with mybb 1.8 see code below ? (1 Reply)
- Responsive Image Sizing - Option to Disable? (6 Replies)
- ezgallerypro5.5.5 (1 Reply)
- HTML in custom fields (9 Replies)
- Password & Private Albums Question (1 Reply)
- Getting Errors with EzGalleryPro 5.5.1 (12 Replies)
- A bugs life (18 Replies)
- Responsive Theme? (1 Reply)
- Using site for a while I found.... (38 Replies)
- User category (15 Replies)
- Issue with upgrade (14 Replies)
- Replace Lite version files (18 Replies)
- Bulk Image?? and video embed? (1 Reply)
- Ratings not Displaying and Sorting Offline (5 Replies)
- Problems switching from Lite to Pro (3 Replies)
- PHP Version Needed (1 Reply)
- Upgrade from 5.2.1 to Latest (7 Replies)