Hi there. If i buy Ez Gallery pro does it give me the link once i pay for it? And would i have to delete my free version of ez gallery on ftp, or will it overwrite?
I am interested in EzDownloads plugin too.
yes. You would uninstall the old version of ezgallery first.
ezdownloads on hold till we get enough MyBB customers.
Could do with that plugin in the next few weeks as we are going to use a credit system for members to download once we have upped all our images to the gallery

Was looking earlier... Is ezcommunitysuite.com and this site both owned by you? That is where i saw EzDownloads. Sorry if i am mistaken.
yes it is. But this site focuses on MyBB only.
Ahh. I see now. Thanks. Love the gallery for mybb. But needed the downloads plugin too. Thanks anyway.
Our site is in construction at the moment. Could you tell me which are the main forums that ez gallery and ez downloads can be used.
I have sent you a pm

I have purchased the ez Gallery, where can I find the license code?