Plugins for MyBB

Full Version: HTML for usergroup?
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EDIT: Your Simple Audio Video Embed took care of my issue!  Many thanks for that fantastic little plugin!  As far as this post goes, you may ignore it unless you are interested in that HTML-Usergroups and seeing if you can get that opperational.

I have a new forum and decided to go with MyBB as a forum that I set up as a subdomain to my primary site.  I've been trying to get a couple of things working, but many plugins do not work because they have not been updated.MyBB-HTML-usergroups

I am hoping I can get MYBBHACKS video embedded to work.  My videos are hosted on in my private storage.

I also wanted to ask you a question.  I got a plugin from Git Hub that hasn't been updated in 11 years. MyBB-HTML-usergroups. I'm determined to find a solution to this issue.
The plugin allows me to give permissions for HTML usage in specific forums to certain groups. I thought with the use of this, I could use:

<video width="560" height="315"><source src="$1"/></video>

If the HTML thing worked, I would be set, but that did not work.  MyCode will not accept
<embed> or <object> or <iframe>
I keep getting 403 errors.  I checked all folder permissions, and everything is correct, but MyCode doesn't work for many things. I do have to admit that I am a newbie when it comes to MyBB, but I do have some coding skills. However, I haven't taken the time to learn PHP.

Anyway, I seem to have rambled on here! Tongue I was wondering if you might take some time to look at that abandoned code for the Mybb-HTML and maybe get that to work, or because of security reasons, if you think it's better, maybe I can get your video plugin to work for my site.
Glad my addon helped!