Plugins for  MyBB
Is this acheivable - Printable Version

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Is this acheivable - hypuk - 08-10-2017


I would like to know if the gllery section on this forum is acheivable with your plugin?

Many thanks


RE: Is this acheivable - MyBBHacks - 08-11-2017

The gallery is located in it's own tab like on the demo site found on this site.

But you write your own codes to display on your board index.

RE: Is this acheivable - hypuk - 08-11-2017

I'm not a coder so wouldn't know where to start.

RE: Is this acheivable - Moffet - 12-12-2017

(08-11-2017, 03:35 AM)MyBBHacks Wrote: The gallery is located in it's own tab like on the demo site found on this site.

But you can read this amazing Binance review and write your own codes to display on your board index.

I know some basics but I need help. Are there any resources that help you get started with this?

RE: Is this acheivable - MyBBHacks - 12-12-2017

This is the full php code that can be used just modify it to your needs for gallery pro
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/ezgallery.lib.php";
// Call you mainpageblock code below

function MainPageBlock($title,$type = 'recent')
    global  $db, $lang, $gallerySettings, $mybb, $settings, $context, $gallerySettings;

    $groupsdata = $mybb->user['usergroup'];

    if (empty($gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show']))
        $gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show'] = 4;

    $maxrowlevel =  empty($gallerySettings['gallery_set_images_per_row']) ? 4 : $gallerySettings['gallery_set_images_per_row'];

    echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" align="center" width="90%" class="tborder">
            <tr class="thead">
                    <td align="center" colspan="'. $maxrowlevel  . '">', $title, '
            //Check what type it is
            $query = "SELECT p.ID_PICTURE, p.commenttotal, p.totalratings, p.rating,
                p.filesize, p.views, p.thumbfilename, p.title, p.ID_MEMBER, m.username, mg.namestyle,
      , p.description, p.mature, c.view, (p.rating / p.totalratings ) AS ratingaverage , v.ID_PICTURE as unread
                    FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_pic as p
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users AS m  ON (m.uid = p.ID_MEMBER)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups AS mg ON (m.usergroup = mg.gid)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_usersettings AS s ON (s.ID_MEMBER = m.uid)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_catperm AS c ON (c.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND c.ID_CAT = p.ID_CAT)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_log_mark_view AS v ON (p.ID_PICTURE = v.ID_PICTURE AND v.ID_MEMBER = " . $mybb->user['uid'] . " AND v.user_id_cat = p.USER_ID_CAT)
                    WHERE ((s.private =0 || s.private IS NULL ) AND (s.password = '' || s.password IS NULL )  AND p.USER_ID_CAT !=0 AND p.approved =1) || (p.approved =1 AND p.USER_ID_CAT =0 AND (c.view IS NULL || c.view =1))
                    GROUP by p.ID_PICTURE ORDER BY ";

        case 'viewed':
            $query .= "p.views DESC LIMIT " . $gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show'];
            echo ' <a href="',$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=gallery&sa=listall&type=views">',$lang->gallery_stats_listall,'</a>';

        case 'mostcomments':
            $query .= "p.commenttotal DESC LIMIT " . $gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show'];
            echo ' <a href="',$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=gallery&sa=listall&type=comments">',$lang->gallery_stats_listall,'</a>';

        case 'toprated':
            $query .= "ratingaverage DESC, p.totalratings DESC  LIMIT " . $gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show'];
            echo ' <a href="',$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=gallery&sa=listall&type=toprated">',$lang->gallery_stats_listall,'</a>';

        case 'recentcomments':

            $query = "SELECT max(com.ID_COMMENT) AS lastcomment, p.ID_PICTURE, p.commenttotal, p.totalratings, p.rating, p.filesize, p.views,
            p.thumbfilename, p.title, p.ID_MEMBER, m.username, mg.namestyle,,
            p.description, p.mature, c.view, v.ID_PICTURE as unread
                    FROM (".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_pic as p, ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_comment as com)
                LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users AS m  ON (m.uid = p.ID_MEMBER)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups AS mg ON (m.usergroup = mg.gid)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_usersettings AS s ON (s.ID_MEMBER = m.uid)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_catperm AS c ON (c.ID_GROUP IN ($groupsdata) AND c.ID_CAT = p.ID_CAT)
                    LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_log_mark_view AS v ON (p.ID_PICTURE = v.ID_PICTURE AND v.ID_MEMBER = " . $mybb->user['uid'] . " AND v.user_id_cat = p.USER_ID_CAT)
                    WHERE com.ID_PICTURE = p.ID_PICTURE AND (((s.private =0 || s.private IS NULL ) AND (s.password = '' || s.password IS NULL )  AND p.USER_ID_CAT !=0 AND p.approved =1) || (p.approved =1 AND p.USER_ID_CAT =0 AND (c.view IS NULL || c.view =1)))
                    GROUP by p.ID_PICTURE ORDER BY ";

            $query .= "lastcomment DESC LIMIT " . $gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show'];
            echo ' <a href="',$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=gallery&sa=listall&type=recentcomments">',$lang->gallery_stats_listall,'</a>';
        case 'random':
            $query .= "RAND() LIMIT " . $gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show'];
            echo ' <a href="',$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=gallery&sa=listall&type=random">',$lang->gallery_stats_listall,'</a>';

            $query .= "p.ID_PICTURE DESC LIMIT " . $gallerySettings['gallery_index_images_to_show'];
            echo ' <a href="',$mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=gallery&sa=listall&type=recent">',$lang->gallery_stats_listall,'</a>';

            echo '</td>

    $smfgalleryBlockCache = array();

        $dbresult = $db->query($query);
        while($row = $db->fetch_array($dbresult))
            $smfgalleryBlockCache[] = $row;

            $rowlevel = 0;
        if(count($smfgalleryBlockCache) > 0)
        foreach($smfgalleryBlockCache as $row)
            if ($rowlevel == 0)
                echo '<tr class="trow2">';

            if ($row['mature'] == 1)
                if (CanViewMature() == false)
                    $row['thumbfilename'] = 'mature.gif';

            echo '<td align="center"><a href="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=view&id=' . $row['ID_PICTURE'] . '"><img src="' . $gallerySettings['gallery_url'] . $row['thumbfilename']  . '" alt="" /></a><br />';

            // Unread
            if (empty($row['unread'])) // && $gallerySettings['gallery_set_show_newicon'] == true)
                echo '<img src="' . $gallerySettings['gallery_url'] . 'icons/new.png" alt="" /><br />';

            echo '<span class="smalltext">';

            if ($gallerySettings['gallery_set_img_title'])
                echo '<a href="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=view&id=' . $row['ID_PICTURE'] . '">' . $row['title'] . '</a><br />';

            if (!empty($gallerySettings['gallery_set_t_rating']))
                if ($gallerySettings['gallery_points_instead_stars'])
                    echo $lang->gallery_form_rating . $row['rating'] . '<br />';
                    echo $lang->gallery_form_rating . GetStarsByPrecent(($row['totalratings'] != 0) ? ($row['rating'] / ($row['totalratings']* 5) * 100) : 0) . '<br />';

                echo $lang->gallery_text_views . $row['views'] . '<br />';
                echo $lang->gallery_text_filesize . gallery_format_size($row['filesize'], 2) . '<br />';
                echo $lang->gallery_text_date . timeformat($row['date']) . '<br />';
                echo $lang->gallery_text_comments . ' (<a href="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/ezgallery.php?action=view&id=' . $row['ID_PICTURE'] . '">' . $row['commenttotal'] . '</a>)<br />';
                if ($row['username'] != '')
                    echo $lang->gallery_text_by . ' <a href="' . $mybb->settings['bburl'] . '/member.php?action=profile&uid=' . $row['ID_MEMBER'] . '">'  . str_replace('{username}',$row['username'], $row['namestyle'])  . '</a><br />';
                    echo $lang->gallery_text_by . ' ' . $lang->gallery_guest . '<br />';
            echo '</span></td>';

            if($rowlevel < ($maxrowlevel-1))
                echo '</tr>';
                $rowlevel = 0;
        if($rowlevel != 0)
            echo '</tr>';

    echo '
          </table><br />';


RE: Is this acheivable - hypuk - 04-03-2018

Thanks for the reply

Where do I add this code to please?
